Recovery, Unity & Service

District 8 Area 15 General Service Website


5 years of sobriety
3 years of service in District 8
1 year as a DCM in District 8
1. Record all actions, including motions – to be included verbatim; actions (incl.
passed, failed, tabled, withdrawn, etc.) taken on motions; results of elections in the
minutes, along with accompanying documents: committee reports furnished by
officers and chairpersons of such committees; financial statements, district map,
upcoming quarterly flyer, etc.
2. Furnish final business meeting agenda to the District Chairperson for review after
the close of motions.
3. Email distribution of the minutes and other emails originating from the District 8
Chairperson to members in the District 8 database.
4. Serve as an ex-officio member of the Current Practices Committee.
5. Provide copies of upcoming Quarterly flyer and District Meeting Agenda at District
8 Business Meetings, along with extra District Minutes for new GSRs.
6. Attend all Area 15 Quarterlies; attend the District Secretaries meeting and report
to the District 8 Business Meeting.
7. Provide copies at the District 8 Business Meeting of any correspondence deemed
necessary by the District Chairperson.
8. Take the roll call for District 8 at the Quarterly Business Meeting of Area 15 in the
absence of the Registrar
9. The Secretary will compile the District 8 Business Meeting minutes and agenda
and forward to the District Chairperson for approval.
10.Monitor position email.
11.Present a budget to the District 8 Treasurer every October for the next fiscal year