Recovery, Unity & Service

District 8 Area 15 General Service Website


Website Committee Chairperson
3 years sobriety
1 year as GSR in District 8
1. Maintain anonymous e-mail boxes and addresses for the District 8 Officers,
committee chairs, and events.
2. Content posted to the page: AA literature: 12 Steps, 12 Traditions, 12 Concepts;
A.A. Preamble; “I Am Responsible” and “Declaration of Unity” statement; District
8 business meeting Minutes, special events and workshops; flyer for Area
Assemblies; upcoming Motions for District 8 and Area 15; Book of Current
Practices, and the Book of Resolutions
3. Links to AA World Services websites, General Service Offices; The Grapevine.
4. Links to Area 15 and any Intergroup offices within District 8 if requested.
5. A disclaimer for all links, advising the browser that they are leaving the District 8
6. Individual pages for any District 8 Standing Committees and officers as they may
7. Some experience or knowledge with websites and the internet is recommended.
8. Monitor committee email.
9. Present report at the monthly business meeting on updates to the website; number
of visitors to the website; summary of requests and correspondence.
10.Submit budget to the Treasurer every October for the Website Committee.

Feedback, suggestions, requests welcome: